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School type: HIGH SCHOOL
Grades: 9 10 11 12
Schools in district: 3
District: EL PASO C U DISTRICT 375
School Enrollment: 273
White students: 98.9%
Black students: 0.4%
Hispanic students: 0.4%
Asian students: 0.4%
Native American students: 0.0%

Low income: 5.1%
Parental involvement: 87.0%
Attendance rate: 95.1%
Mobility rate: 12.6%
Chronic truants: 0
Chronic truants rate: 0.0%
Dropout rate: 4.0%
High School graduation rate: 100.0%
HS graduation rate for male students: 100.0%
HS graduation rate for female students: 100.0%
HS graduation rate for white students: 100.0%
HS graduation rate for Hispanic students: 100.0%

Average ACT composite score: 21.3
Average ACT English score: 21.3
Average ACT Math score: 21.0
Average ACT Reading score: 21.5
Average ACT Science score: 20.8
ACT % of school: 87.3%

Average class size HS: 16.8

Total number of teachers in district: 74
Teachers with bachelor's degree: 75.6%
Teachers with master's degree: 24.4%
Classes not taught by highly qualifed teachers: 10.0%
Male teachers: 25.4%
Female teachers: 74.6%
Teacher experience average: 16.0
Teacher/student ratio: 13.9

Statistics about EL PASO HIGH SCHOOL in EL PASO, IL

Average teacher salary: $39,448
Average administration staff salary: $79,457
Dollars spent per student: $7,851
Operating expenditure for instruction: $3,511,128
Operating expenditure for supporting services: $2,104,773
Operating expenditure for administration: $404,831
Operating expenditure for other campus costs: $3,821,274
Limited English Proficient students: 0.0%


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